Fire The Lazy And Ugly Mindset In You - SABTrends

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Monday, April 18, 2016

Fire The Lazy And Ugly Mindset In You

Human being is solely built on one thing. The mindset is the only thing human being is built upon. Mindset is a form thinking not really the thinking ability. Mindset can be said to be a person's will or attention towards any activity. Mindset can be positive or negative one. The type of mindset you have depends on many factors. It might be as a result of friends, family members, environment, society or peer group.

People with positive mindset achieve greatly in life, they are great men of yesterday and great men of today. A person with negative can rarely achieve anything in life because his attitude towards achieving any goal will just be negative. He will always be thinking I can do this or that. Why should I risk this or that because of this?  This type of mindset is lazy mindset which ought to be sent out or fired and hire a positive mindset which can make you strong and stronger in your thinking to help you achieve your set objectives and goals.

Talking from experience, mindset is hired for you sometimes by the types of people you move around with in day to day activities. If you are kind of people with negative people around you, no way you will be given and that negative mindset will set in in your life. On the other hand, an individual with positive minds around him has a greater chance of be a man with positive mindset. Your mindset depicts your inner attitude, your inner willingness and inner strength to achieve a set goal.

A weaker and negative mindset will achieve little or nothing in life.  For this reason, you have to fire the lazy type mindset in you and hire the positive one. A question now you should ask yourself is how will I fire the lazy mindset in me? It is simple as A B C. The only and slept way to fire the lazy mindset is just to change the type of friends you move with. Ask yourself, am I moving with wrong people or right one?  If they are the wrong one which hire the lazy and negative for you then you need to change those friends and move with positive mindset people who believe all things are possible. Negative and lazy mindset will never tell you something good unless hey guy you cannot do it, forget it my man it is an impossible mission.

People with positive mindset will help you to hire positive mindset and fire that ugly and lazy mindset in you. Positive mindset are always optimistic in all their dealings. They never believe in the concept of losing,  people with positive and stronger mindset always gain or learn from an experience.

Finally, if truly you want to achieve your set objectives and goals then take the bold step today to fire that ugly mindset that is retarding your grow and serves as an  obstacle for you to reach to land of glory and success. It is important to fire it and recruit new employee which positive mindset in order to achieve and attain success in life.
Fire The Lazy And Ugly Mindset In You Reviewed by Mr Possible on April 18, 2016 Rating: 5 Human being is solely built on one thing. The mindset is the only thing human being is built upon. Mindset is a form thinking not really t...


  1. I fully agree with you. Mindset is what determines the results of our actions. A positive mindset attracts positive results. Negative begets negative. If you believe it, you can will it.

  2. "It's all in the mind" is what my dad would always tell me. Having a positive outlook in life will really help you attract good vibes, opportunities, and positive results.

  3. This is one of the cases where mind over matter (or body) does work. The right attitude and mindset can sometimes make a huge difference, and positivity is always something we should strive to achieve. I think the only caveat would be not to gloss over everything in an attempt to "stay positive." Emotions of all kinds need to be processed and dealt with, and that I find myself forgetting sometimes.

  4. Lacuna, April Perez and Alina thanks for visiting SAB Blog. However, really appreciate all contributions in form of one sentence or two sentences. You all made good contributions

  5. A person's mindset determines a person's lifestyle. years have taught me what it means by "everything that happens has a reason" and to trust the plans of a higher Entity when my plans don't happen. Unlike when I was younger and I was so bitter about everything that didn't happen as I planned. I've missed out on a lot of good things then bec of it.

  6. Thanks Palacpac, really appreciate your visitation to SAB Blog. However, your contribution is also highly impressive. You still have the chance to rectify the past mistakes.

  7. Yes. The attitude should always be positive. We tend to be too hard on ourselves, putting ourselves down. That attitude only hinders us from success. Fire that negative person indeed!

  8. Being positive and surrounding ourselves with positive people bring a very good energy with it which helps in encouraging us to reach our goals!

  9. Fred and Bhushavali, thanks for your contributions and I also appreciate your visit to this blog.

  10. Hi! I really like your self help articles, but it would be nice if you put images so the article is easier on the eyes. Anyhoo, I'm definitely going to remove the negative people in my life to move forward.

  11. Phylicia Marie Pineda, thanks for visitation to this blog. However, I really appreciate your suggestion of putting image on each article. We shall look into that. Furthermore, your comment is also highly appreciated.

