5 Things You Should Do To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special - SABTrends

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

5 Things You Should Do To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

5 Things You Should Do To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

1. Write a letter to her 
It’s a dying art boys really need to revive. Write things you usually never say to her. Tell her what she mean to you, let her know how lucky you feel to have her in your life. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just straight from the heart. It may seems too old fashioned for your personality but the excitement in her eyes would be definitely worth it.

2. Cook something
This is  slightly complicated. Cook together if possible , Chances are, it’s going to be a mess but there’s going to be enough romance to fill your appetite.

3. Have a heart to heart conversation 
 Sit her down and have a one to one conversation with her about where she's headed in life, what she want to do, what her dreams are. Very often, we neglect the most important people in our lives. make her open up to you about what she want to do in life. Discuss what problems she is facing , Be her motivation, give her that slight push she need, help her realize and achieve her dreams in life. One conversation is all it takes.

4. Surprise Date
Take her out on a drive through the city, have dinner at a vintage restaurant, and stop by at a bakery on the way back, for dessert. Make sure that the place should be something new or other than regular place you used to hangout. Don’t just go to the new restaurant down the street. Put some thought into it.

5. Gift
 Get her a gift, a nice, thoughtful gift when it’s not her birthday or your anniversary. Buy something she always wanted to buy , but never did. My suggestion will be , get her a book by her favourite author.

And enjoy the LOVE she will shower at you when you'll succeed in mission to make her feel special

Mahesh M. the CEO of  Awesomengers
Founder , President at  Awesomengers .
Editor , UnPlugged E-Magazine.
5 Things You Should Do To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special Reviewed by Mr Possible on May 28, 2016 Rating: 5 5 Things You Should Do To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special 1. Write a letter to her  It’s a dying art boys really need to revive...


  1. I wish guys don't have to need an article like these, but they do. No offense :)

  2. Welcome China Dogwe. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution. Guys need this kind of article. Some men don't care about their relationship so this might touch their hearts to stick with their lovers. Thanks

  3. There are plenty of ways to make your girlfriend feel special and you've nailed them. It's nice to do these things with someone that's very special in your life, it's rewarding to be honest.

  4. Welcome Elizabeth O.. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your meaningful contribution. You have said it all, a special way to treat the special person.

  5. It's the matter of heart.. When someone do anything with their heart... Surely another parties will feel special..

  6. Great point Kylie wenn, it is just a matter of heart. Welcome Kylie wenn. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  7. I haven't had a boyfriend since birth, but I would love to experience those things. Hmmm... I guess I need to wait for one to do so.

  8. Welcome Lana Slaybell. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your meaningful contribution. Lana Slaybell, SABTrends wishes you a special person that will treat you in a special way.

  9. So true haha. There are a lot of things you can do by showing your love but for me, being honest no matter what happens is really important


  10. Welcome Retlyn Ereca Ceballos. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your meaningful contribution. Honesty is a vital key.

  11. I think letter writing is a lost art but it would really warm someone's heart when they receive one. It would also be great to give them surprise gifts and dates.

  12. My boyfriend is not that kind of a showy person, 2 and 3 very applicable to us. The rest on-going process according to him..hahahahaha...he's beside me now reading your post. Thanks a lot!

  13. Welcome Raine Pal. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution. I hope and think your husband will learn from this article to treat you in a special way.

  14. Great tips. My favorite is the hear to heart conversation. I think that's important in a relationship.

  15. Welcome Barely Vegan. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  16. Awwwww. That's so adorable & romantic. I'm sending this to my guy..

  17. Yup these are what girls need. Cooking together can also make us feel very secure, home and happy.

  18. I agree with all your inputs about giving gift, surprise dates, heart to heart conversation, cooking for her and writing a letter can help women feel that we are loved.

  19. Welcome Bhushavali N, Sunshine Kelly and Karen. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate meaningful contributions that you all made.

  20. Thanks for the reminder. These are very basic but yes, some of us really need to be reminded. Know the language of love of your SO, and give it to her.

  21. This list is true. Now I wish men will be able to read this.

  22. Welcome stargazerwrites and Fred Hawson. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  23. Well, you don't need to educate a man who is in love for he knows what exactly to do to his girl. Most probably, this will go for those who are still doubt if they are really doing it right, perhaps. (Do I sound bitter? lol)

    1. Zwitsy, you sound sweet lol. Man easily forgets thing. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  24. I think more than superficial things, it is great if such gestures come more naturally and spontaneously. Of course, anyone would love gifts and all.

    1. Welcome RainbowDiaries Singapore. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  25. haha, good list.. hope im doing the right things!

    1. Shivansh Chaudhary, you need to review and check yourself. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  26. A book by her favorite author is a great suggestion. That's the gift that keeps giving too. :)

    1. Welcome mail4rosey. Thanks for visiting SABTrends and I also appreciate your contribution.

  27. Thank you very much for helpful advises. Also I recommend to read this.
