Should we abolish all school exams?
An examination is a formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill.
Examination is the pivotal point around
which the whole system of education revolves and the success or failure
of the system of examination is indeed an indicator of the success or
failure of that particular system of education. However, some people have argued that examination should be scrapped. Scroll down and see what people are saying about this topic.
Abolish all exams
Exams are the make or break decision in many cases when it comes to final grades. All semester students do their best to get the best possible grade and then 15-30% of their grade, depending on their class is taken up by final examinations. Students have enough pressure throughout the semester and it's unfair for them to have to cram multiple classes within days of each other in order to succeedAbolish Exams in higher classes
I am completely fine with tests , essays and quizes to test our knowledge and exams in lower grade so that we understand the basics but exams in higher level and very difficult and put pressure and stress among students.Most of students in higher class don't remember what they have learnt just before exams so in that way how is is it useful at all.Unfair balance in grading
If exams were abolished, there would be an unfair balance in grading. For example, a hard working student could get a similar grade to a student that does not try at all. Exams show that you are actually learning something from the class, rather than sleeping through it. In the end, exams do more good than bad.Examinations should be taken away!
Seriously, ask yourself. How much do you remember since your last test? Teachers teach to the test but they are useless for our future. Also, it gives us a lot of stress and this may harm our health. Don’t your parents give you pressure and when you don’t perform according to their expectation, don’t they scold you? Come on, you must have experience it so what is the point of having examinations when it causes so many negative impacts?Students need the pressure from exams to study.
Before they establish their value system, students do not know why they should work hard at school. Children are born to play not to study. The exams are needed to give them motivation to learn and help them know how much they have learned. If school exams are abolished, learning is likely to become an unimportant job for students who like playing basketball or video games.RELATED TOPIC: Can we wipe out corruption and bribery from our country?
They are horrible n ruin our life
My parents keep forcing me to study and I'm not even allowed to watch the TV or even go out with my friends or even talk to them on the phone because of exams. And if I don't get good marks then my life is ruined. And so many exams one after the other. They are horrible!Exams Test Knowledge
Exams are a vital part in deciding whether or not a student has grasped the concept being taught. While assignments and homework help test the student's knowledge, the conditions for completing them can be very relaxed and a textbook (along with the internet) can be easily accessed for answers. This sort of work tests the students ability to take information and make it relevant, but does not test the student's memory or ability to absorb material. Exams need to remain in place if society expects good grades.It is a headache
We are tired of these examination because they are just like a dangerous land.When stepped on it it might break and we may fall.Most important thing that each of us are judged on the basis of the marks they got in their examination.
If sometime a child is not able to study in exam days due to some reason than he or she can't do their exam well and may get fail
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